Puppy Nails

Remember, on my previous post I mentioned puppy nails?! Holy 🐄, I forgot how crazy sharp puppy nails are. They are so thin and pointy and every move they make towards you means you’re getting scratched.

Again, first week with Cub was piece of cake. He even slept through the night with very minimal whining. But second week and forward ⏩ his confidence and curiosity started to kick in, so he began to jump at us. Every time he wanted attention or to be fed or wanted a treat he jumped at us leaving a significant mark on our skin. They say you shouldn't yell at your dog, but how can you not scream while in extreme pain? Haha! So I yelled 🤬😱

The pictures are evidences of moments we’ll laugh later. At the time it was NOT funny! Poor Andy got most of the scratches 😬


My Best Hooman Friend


Full Household