Curious cub
Cub is a silly dog. He is so genuine in his actions. He can be sweet and at times he can frustrate the life out of me.
Life has been very hard lately. As a result we haven't been able to pay as much attention to him. With little time and energy to play, train or interact intelligently with him at times he becomes needy and aims to push all my buttons. He scratches me, jumps at me, bites me, barks at my face, stomps my feet, begs for food all the time and chew on things he's not supposed to.
We have gotten pretty good about managing the house to hide all things he might have interest in chewing or eat but it's hard to be perfect all the time. An example is that we learned very early with Cub that socks 🧦 are a no go for him. He not only chews them, he swallows the whole thing🤦♀️. When he was a little puppy he swallowed one of my socks and puked it out within a few hours. It happened again a couple other times including a face mask 😷.
Last week as we were going to bed, I realized I wasn't diligent about checking for socks on the floor and he was laying in bed with a sock in his mouth 🤨. When I approached him he started swallowing the sock as quickly as possible and when I grabbed his mouth he growled at me viciously. I then ran to grab a treat to trick him in to trading, but it was too late. By the time I got back he had swallowed the darn sock.
I fell asleep hoping within a few hours he would end puking the sock out. However that was not the case. The next day he was acting like his normal self. He ate breakfast, dinner, and his fruit snacks but did not vomit the sock.
Well, he held the sock in for 3 days but this morning at about 6am he puke the socks out. Yay! Minor details - he jumped in bed and almost vomited on my husbans’s head. Also, I turns out he swallowed a pair of socks not just one as I thought 🤯
Anyway, as I said in the beginning he can be a hand full but isn't this picture the sweetest thing 😍🥰